But out of limitations comes creativity...

May 16, 2012

Sticks Vase (Pretty Decoration for a Party)

with 1 comments
I saw this great idea on Pinterest and had to do it for my sister's baby shower....

It is a vase made out of sticks :)

The inpiration and tutorial  I got it HERE.

And this is my making...

And this is my vase without flowers...

It's going to look much better with the flowers and all I had it was yarn to decorate, I will be making more and I will post pics with the flowers on it :)

Be Back Soon :)


  1. Anonymous said...

    Olá passei para conhecer seu blog ele é muito maneiro com excelente conteúdo gostaria de parabenizar pelo seu trabalho e desejar muito sucesso em sua caminhada e objetivo no seu Hiper blog e que DEUS ilumine seus caminhos e de seus familiares
    Um grande abraço tudo de bom